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Beer Fining, KF-SG111

Beer Fining, KF-SG111

KF-SG111 is a clarifying agent for finished beer. Commonly used for clarification of haze causing proteins in beer in yeast tank or brite tank.


KF-SG111 is recommended for use in:

• Fining applications requiring a high degree of fining action in finished beers.

• High amount of suspended particles requiring blinding and rapid sedimentation.

• Fruit wine clarification by binding with haze causing proteins and flocculate out of suspension.


KF-SG111 comes in powdered form and should be stored at room temperature in original containers away from sunlight and moisture.



1 KG and 25 KGS


    KF-SG111 is a specifically designed fining for finished beer and wine. It consists of purified minerals and organic enzymes. Technical characteristics such as surface area, particle size and charge are specifically modified in order to achieve the highest possible absorption at cold crash. After the absorption at recommended doses, rapid sedimentation takes place within 24 hours. In the process, most beer styles benefit from evident clarity and transparency. When used in wort, it shortens the duration of whirlpool, reducing the risk of of Dimethylsulphide (DMS) formation. This in return bring less EBC (colour) and improved taste stability of the beer. The specific charge of KF-SG111 and its absorption process do not cause any negative influence to the essential proteins in beer and that way doesn't affect the taste and head retention even at higher than recommended doses.


    Primary function of KF-SG111 is to improve the colloidal stability in beer, by absorbing and neutralizing haze causing proteins. Proteins would normally combine with Polyphenols over time, especially if the beer is oxidized. This new complex is called Reversable Chill Haze when the bonds are only hydrogen bonds. Over time you end up with stronger ionic bonds and covalent bonds between Tannoids and Proteins, causing Permanent Haze. The enzymes in KF-SG111 breakdown some of these proteins. The remaining haze causing proteins create ionic bonds with minerals and drop out of suspension.




    Elimination of haze in finished beer

    Crystal clear beer at any temperature

    Helps Yeast Flocculation

    Compact sedimentation

    Enhanced filterability

    Enhanced stability



    Powdered purified mineral matter with food grade enzymes.



    Added to beer at 95 g/hL ratio. Higher doses can be required in wort composed of larger quantities of adjunct (corn, millet, rice, syrup etc). Specific lab testing at different dosages is recommended in order to achieve optimal results.



    Add 95 g/hL KF-SG111 to a container, pour 1 liter of deaerated water and mix it well. This mixture can be added to beer and beer is gently stirred or swirled. It takes only 12-24 hours for KF-SG111 to finish it's work. Beer can be racked after that. You must add deaerated water to KF-SG111 and not the other way around. The reason for using deaerated water is to avoid adding any dissolved oxygen in water to your finished beer.

    ***Water can be deaerated simply by boiling and then letting it cool before adding to KF-SG111. Deaerated water can be stored for many years in multiple small closed containers filled to the brim so that there is no air exposure.


    For wort fining, KF-SG111 can be added directly to the kettle at the end of the boiling, at least 5 minutes past last hop additions. It can also be dosed using automatic dosing units. Additionally, KF-SG111 can be dosed in continuous flow between kettle and whirlpool unit. In case of a leakage rinse the surface with plain water.



    Store KF-SG111 in a cool and dry place away from sunlight an moisture. Long exposure to air should be avoided since KF-SG111 is slightly hygroscopic.



    5 years



    1 KG and 25 KGS


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